Saturday, February 22, 2025


Abualfaraj R, McDonald F, Daly B, Scambler S. (In Press) Cleft Patients Understanding of Their Condition and their Experiences in relation to the Provision of Information during Treatment.  Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research.

Newton P, Scambler S, Asimakopoulou K (2019) A qualitative exploration of experiences of diagnosis amongst people living with type 2 diabetes.  Journal of Diabetes Reports.

Scambler S and Curtis S (2019) Contextualising Disability and Dentistry.  British Dental Journal, Special Edition on Special Care Dentistry.

Alrawiai S. Asimakopoulou K. Scambler S. (2019) Dentists’ Perceptions of a Practical Model of Patient-Centred Care: Providing Information and Choice in a Dental Consultation.  Psychology, Health & Medicine (CPHM). 

Bailey R, Scambler S, Lowton K (2019) Threats to Embodied Wellbeing: an exploration of how disabled people negotiate barriers in hospital settings.  Health.

Scambler G and Scambler S (2019) Marx, Financial Capitalism and the Fractured Society: using Bhaskar’s Dialectical Critical Realism to frame a transformatory programme of action for resistance and change.  Journal of Classical Sociology

Clough S, Burke M, Daly B,  Scambler S (2018) The Impact of Pre-Radiotherapy Dental Extractions on Head and Neck Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Study.  British Dental Journal. 225, 1, p. 28-32

Asimakopoulou K & Scambler S (2017)  The Psychological Effects of Toothloss – a guide for clinicians.  Aesthetic Dentistry Today.

Al Shammary N.H., Newton T, McDonald F, Scambler S, Asimakopoulou K. Daly B, (2017)  How do Orthodontists record patients’ adherence? A case note review.  Angle Orthodontist.

Scambler S (2017) Made to hear: cochlear implants and raising deaf children – L. Mauldin: Book Review.  New Genetics and Society.  Published online 13/6/17.

Abualfaraj R, Daly B, McDonald F, Scambler S (2017)  Cleft Lip and/or Palate in Context: Learning from, and adding to, the sociological literature on long-term conditions.  Health. Online first.

Scambler S, Delgado M, Asimakopoulou K (2016) Is there Patient-Centred Care in Dentistry?  A systematic review of the dental literature.  British Dental Journal.

Scambler S (2016) What do we mean by ‘Disability’ and do labels matter?  Sociology Review.  Volume 25, no. 3.

Scambler S, Low E, Gallagher J. (2015)  Identifying And Challenging Multi-Level Barriers To Dental Care For Disabled People Accessing Special Care And General Dental Services.  Journal of Disability and Oral Health. 16 (4); pp 108-115.

Kani E, Asimakopoulou K, Daly B, Hare J, Lewis J, Scambler S, Scott S, Newton JT. (2015) Characteristics of patients attending for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy at one specialist unit in the UK and outcomes of treatment.  British Dental Journal. 219(10):501-506

Asimakopoulou K, Scambler S (2015) Rapid Response: Patient knows best: Re: In the patient’s best interests? Who says?. Fiona Godlee, British Medical Journal online: 351: h5920.   Nov 2015.

Scambler G and Scambler S (2015)  Theorising Health Inequalities: The Untapped Potential of Dialectical Critical Realism.  Social Theory and Health.  Advance online publication, June 24, 2015; doi:10.1057/sth.2015.14

Napoli D, Mellon N, Niparko J, Rathmann C, Mathur G, Humphries T, Handley T, Scambler S, Lantos J. (2015) Ethics Rounds: Should All Deaf Children Learn Sign Language? Pediatrics.Volume 136, number 1.

Newton P, Asimakopoulou K, Scambler S (2015)  A Qualitative exploration of motivation to self-manage and styles of self-management amongst people living with Type 2 Diabetes.  Journal of Diabetes Research. Article ID 638205, 9 pages

Al Shammary N.H., Newton T, McDonald F, Scambler S, Asimakopoulou K. (2015)  Adherence in Orthodontic Settings: Understanding practitioner views in a UK sample.  The Angle Orthodontist. DOI: 10.2319/091014-635.1

Scambler S and Asimakopoulou K. (2015) Commentary on: Person-Centred Care in Dentistry – the patients’ perspective.  British Dental Journal. 04/2015 413.

Scambler G, Scambler S, Speed E. (2014) Civil Society and the Health and Social Care Act in England and Wales: theory and praxis for the twenty-first century.  Social Science and Medicine.  Online First DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.07.035

Asimakopoulou K, Gupta A, Scambler S (2014) Patient-Centred Care – barriers and opportunities in the dental surgery.  Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. Online First (12/7/14) DOI: 10.1111/cdoe.12120

Scambler S. and Asimakopoulou K (2014) A Model of Patient-Centred Care – turning good practice into patient centred care.  British Dental Journal. 217: 225-228.

Scambler S, Gupta A, Asimakopoulou K. (2014) Patient-Centred Care: What is it and how is it practiced in the dental surgery?  Health Expectations.  Online first (23/6/14) DOI:10.1111/hex.12222

Scambler S, Newton P, Asimakopoulou K (2014) The Context of Empowerment and Self-care within the field of Diabetes. Health. Online First (1/4/14) DOI: 10.1177/1363459314524801

Scambler S. (2014)  Beyond Social Determinants: A neo-Marxist approach to understanding the causes of the social determinants of inequalities in oral health.  Social Science and Dentistry. 3 (1): 27-33.

Aljafari A, Scambler S, Gallagher J.E, Hosey M.T. (2014) Parental views on delivering preventive advice to children referred for treatment of dental caries under general anaesthesia: a qualitative investigation.  Community Dental Health: 31: 1-5.

Scambler S and Asimakopoulou K. (2014) Commentary: Primary care and general practicedental patients’ attitudes towards screening for diabetes and other medical conditions in the dental setting.  By S. Creanor, B.A. Millward, A. Demaine, L. Price, W. Smith, N. Brown, S.L. Creanor.  British Dental Journal: 216 (1): 34-5.

Scambler S. (2013) Social Causes of Health and Disease – William Cockerham: Book Review.  British Sociological Association Medsoc Online: 7 (3): 49-50. 

Asimakopoulou K, Newton P, Scambler S (2013) Rapid Response: Re: Power to the people: what will bring about the patient centred revolution?  P. Hodgkin, J. Taylor. 347:doi:10.1136/bmj.f6701.  British Medical Journal Online.  November 2013.

Asimakopoulou K, Newton P, Scambler S (2013) Rapid Response: Re: Power to the people: what will bring about the patient centred revolution?. Paul Hodgkin, Jeremy Taylor. 347:doi:10.1136/bmj.f6701.  British Medical Journal online.  Nov 2013.

Edwards J, Palmer G, Scambler S. (2013) Why individuals with HIV and Diabetes do not disclose their medical history to the Dentist: A qualitative analysis.  British Dental Journal. 

Asimakopoulou K and Scambler S. (2013) The role of information and choice in patient-centred care in diabetes: a hierarchy of patient-centredness.  European Diabetes Nursing: 10 (2). 

Scambler S. (2013) Cochlear Implants and Identity Politics: A Parent’s Perspective.  British Sociological Association Medsoc Online: 7 (1): 34-42. 

Scambler S, Newton P, Asimakopoulou K. (2012) Barriers and opportunities of Empowerment as applied in diabetes settings; A focus on Health Care Professionals’ experiences.  Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 97 (1); e18-e22.

Asimakopoulou K, Gilbert D, Newton P, Scambler S. (2012)  Back to Basics: Re-examining the role of patient empowerment in diabetes.  Patient Education and Counselling.  86 (3): 281-283

Newton P, Asimakopoulou K, Scambler S.  (2012) Information seeking and use amongst Type 2 Diabetes patients: An information continuum’.  International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 50 (2); 92-99.

Asimakopoulou K, Newton P, Sinclair A, Scambler S.  (2012)  Health Care Professionals’ understanding and day to day practice of empowerment in diabetes; time for a pause for thought?  Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.  Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.  95 (2): 224-229.

Newton T, Asimakopoulou K, Daly B, Scambler S, Scott S (2012) The management of dental anxiety: time for a sense of proportion?.  British Dental Journal.  213; 271-274.

Soheilipour S., DickinsonC., Scambler S., DunneS.M., Burke M., NewtonJ.T. (2011)  Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Dentistry: Part I. Professionals’ Views. A qualitative Study.  British Dental Journal.  211 (e1).

Soheilipour S., DickinsonC., Scambler S., DunneS.M., Burke M., NewtonJ.T. (2011)  Antibiotic prophylaxis in dentistry: Part II. Patient perspectives and understanding. A qualitative study.  British Dental Journal.  211 (e1).

Scambler S., Low E., Zoitopoulos L., Gallagher J.  (2011)  Professionals attitudes towards disability in Special Care Dentistry.  Journal of Disability and Oral Health.  12 (2); 10-16.

Asimakopoulou K, Newton P, Scambler S. (2011) Marrying contradictions: Healthcare professionals perceptions of empowerment in the care of people with Type 2 Diabetes.  Patient Education and Counselling.  85 (3): 326-329.

Scambler S and Newton P (2011) Capital Transactions, Disruptions and the Emergence of Personal Capital in a Lifeworld Under Attack. Social Theory and Health.  9 (2), pp130-146.

Scambler S & Newton T (2011)  Inequalities in Oral Health.  Social Science and Dentistry 2 (1) 2.

Razdan M and Scambler S. (2010)  Journey to the Dental Office: a study of dental illness behaviour exhibited by people visiting government and private dental services in Delhi, India.  Social Science and Dentistry.  1 (2); 69-76.

Asimakopoulou K. Scambler S. Gilbert D.  (2010) Patient empowerment in diabetes: time for returning back to basics?   Treatment Strategies – Diabetes.  2 (1): 193-196.

Asimakopoulou K., Newton P., Scambler S.  (2010) First do no harm”: the potential shortfalls and stumbling blocks of empowerment in diabetes.  European Diabetes Nursing.   7 (2); 79-81.

Scambler S, Barc C, Wright D, Gallagher JE (2010)  An Insight into the Oral Health Beliefs and Practices amongst mothers from a North London Orthodox Jewish Community.  BMC Oral Health. 10: 14.

Newton T, & Scambler S (2010) Use of qualitative data in oral health research.  Editorial.  Community Dental Health (2010) 27, 66–67.

Newton T, & Scambler S (2010) Social and Behavioural Sciences in Dentistry.  Social Science and Dentistry.  1 (1); 2.

Borreani E., Jones K., Wright D, Scambler S., Gallagher J.  (2010) Improving Access to Dental Care for Older People.  Dental Update. 3 (5); 297.

Borreani E., Jones K., Scambler S., Gallagher J.  (2010)  Informing the debate on oral healthcare for older people.  A qualitative study of older people’s views on oral health and oral healthcare.  Gerodontology. 27 (1); 11-18.

Asimakapoulou, K., Scambler, S. and Newton, P. (2009) Contrasting patient and professional views of empowerment. Diabetes Medicine, Vol.26: S – 125.
Newton, P.D., Asimakapoulou, K and Scambler, S. (2009) ‘I realised I had diabetes’: diagnostic realisation as a social process of becoming a person with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Medicine Vol.26: S – 187.

Hood G., Huber J., Gustafsson U., Scambler S., Asimakopoulou K. (2009) With age comes wisdom almost always too late; older people’s experiences of living with diabetes.  European Diabetes Nursing.  6 (1); 23-28.

Quereshi B. & Scambler.  (2008) The Disability Discrimination Act and Access: Practical Suggestions.  Dental Update. 35(9):627-8, 631-2, 634-5.

Borreani E., Wright D., Scambler S. and Gallagher J. (2008) Minimising Barriers to Dental Care in Older People.  BMC Oral Health.  8: 7.

Scambler S., Gallagher J. (2008) Older People’s Experiences of Dental Services in the UK:  Mind over matter?  In:  Health and Wealth in East and West – Divergence and Convergence in Europe.  Høgskolen i Oslo 10: p45.

Bower E., & Scambler S.  (2007)  The contributions of qualitative research towards dental public health practice, Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology.  35 (3) 161-169.

Victor. C.R., Scambler S., Marston L., Bond J., Bowling A.  (2006)  Older People’s Experiences of Loneliness in the UK: Does Gender Matter?  Social Policy and Society, 5 (1), pp 27-38.

Scambler S.  (2005) Exposing the Limitations of Disability Theory:  The Case of Juvenile Batten Disease.  Social Theory and Health. 3: 144-164.

Victor C.R., Scambler S., Bowling A., Bond J. (2005)  The prevalence of and risk factors for loneliness in later life: a survey of older people in Great Britain.  Ageing and Society, 25 (6); 357-375.

Victor C.R., Scambler S., Shah S., Cook D., Harris T., Rink E., De Wilde S., (2002)  Has Loneliness Amongst Older People Increased?  An investigation into variations between cohorts.  Ageing and Society; 22, 585-597.

Victor R., Scambler S., Bond J., Bowling A. (2002) Loneliness in later life:  preliminary findings from the Growing Older project. Quality in Ageing – Policy, practice and research. 3 (1), 34-41.

Victor C.R. and Scambler S. (2000). Being Alone in Later Life: Loneliness, Social Isolation and Living Alone. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology,10, 407-417.


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