Monday, December 23, 2024

Books by Female Sociologists

Books by Female Sociologists
Author Title
Margaret Abraham Speaking the Unspeakable: Marital Violence Among South Asian Immigrants In The United States
Sara Ahmed Living a Feminist Life
Sara Ahmed Cultural Politics of Emotion
Sarah Ahmed Everyday Feminism
Sara Ahmed Wilful Subjects
Stacy Alaimo Exposed: Environmental Politics and Pleasures in Posthuman Times
Claire Alexander The Asian Gang.
Sara Arber The Myth of Generational Conflict: The Family and State in Ageing Societies
Margaret Archer Making Our Way Through the World
Olive Banks Feminism and Family Planning in Victorian England
Karen Barad Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and The Entanglement Of Matter And Meaning
Eileen Barker The Making of a Mooney
Margaret Bennett Scottish Customs from The Cradle to The Grave
Mabel Berezin Illiberal Politics in Neoliberal Times
Gurminder Bhambra Connected Sociologies
Gurminder Bhambra et al. Decolonising the University
Kumkum Bhavnani Feminism and Race
Mildred Blaxter Health and Lifestyles
Alice Bloch Forced Migration
Wendy Bottero Stratification
Angela Bowey The Sociology of Organizations
Rosi Braidotti The Posthuman
Joan Busfield Work
Judith Butler Gender Trouble
Judith Butler Notes Towards a Performative Theory of Assembly
Monica Charlot Vivre Avec La Mort
Cathy Charmaz Constructing Grounded Theory
Fran Collyer Et Al. Knowledge and Global Power:  Making New Sciences In The South.
Raewyn Connell Masculinities
Raewyn Connell The Child’s Construction of Politics
Raewyn Connell Southern Theory
Jocelyn Cornwell Hard Earned Lives
Rosemary Crompton Class and Stratfication
Simone De Beauvoir Old age
Simone De Beauvoir The Second Sex
Mary Jo Deegan Jane Addams & The Men of The Chicago School
Tia Denora Music in Everyday Life
Marjorie Devault Feeding the Family
Andrea Doucet Do Men Mother
Mary Douglas Purity and Danger: An Analysis Of Concepts Of Pollution And Taboo
Victoria Dreyes Global Borderlands
Andrea Dworkin Pornography
Gemma Edwards Social Movements & Protest
Barbara Ehrenreich And Arlie Hochschild Global Woman
Paula England Comparable Worth
Myra Marx Ferrée Varieties of Feminism
Janet Finch Family Obligations & Social Change
Janet Finch & Jennifer Mason Negotiating Family Responsibilities
Sarah Franklin Biological Relatives: IVF, Stem Cells, And the Future Of Kinship
Nancy Fraser Fortunes of Feminism
Rosemarie Garland Thomson Extraordinary Bodies
Kayleigh Garthwaite Hunger Pains: Life Inside Food Bank Britain
Jay Ginn Women, Work and Pensions: International Issues And Prospects
Alice Goffman Ethnography
Alice Goffman On the Run
Hilary Graham Unequal Lives: Health and Socioeconomic Inequalities
Bente Halkier Consumption Challenged
Jennifer Hargreaves Sporting Females: Critical Issues in the History and Sociology of Women’s Sport
Donna Harraway Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature
Anita Harris Future Girl
Sue Heath Et Al Shared Housing, Shared Lives
Nathalie Heinich The Glory Of Van Gogh
Patricia Hill Collins On Intellectual Activism
Kimberley Khoang Dealing in Desire
Bell Hooks From Margin to Centre
Arlie Hochschild The Managed Heart
Arlie Hochschild The Second Shift
Arlie Hochschild Strangers in Their Own Land
Eva Illouz Why Love Hurts
Stevi Jackson Heterosexualities In Question
Jane Jacobs The Death and Life Of Great American Cities
Jane Jacobs Systems of Survival
Lynn Jamieson Intimacy
Alison Kafer Feminist Queer Crip
Cindy Katz Growing Up Global
Barbara Katz Rothman The Tentative Pregnancy
Liz Kelly Surviving Sexual Violence
Joanna Kempner Not Tonight
Kathleen Kiernan Lone Motherhood In 20th Century Britain
Greta Krippner Capitalizing on Crisis
Karin Knorr-Cetina The Manufacture of Knowledge
Annette Lareau Unequal Childhoods
Ruth Levitas Utopia as Method
Pranee Liamputtong Researching The Vulnerable
Ilana Lowy Tangled Diagnoses
Deborah Lupton The Quantified Self
Celia Lury Consumer Culture
Lisa McKenzie Getting By
Tressie McMillan Cottom Lower Ed: The Troubling Rise of For-Profit Colleges in the New Economy
Susan McRae Cross Class Families
Angela McRobbie The Aftermath of Feminism
Saba Mahmood The Politics of Piety
Amina Mama Beyond the Mask
Harriet Martineau How to Observe Morals And Manners
Jennifer Mason Affinities
Vanessa May Connecting Self to Society
Fatema Mernissi Beyond the Veil: Male-Female Dynamics In A Muslim Society
Fatema Mernissi Women’s Rebellion and Islamic Memory
Annemarie Mol The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice
Annemarie Mol The Logic of Care
Jenny Morris Pride Against Prejudice
Sarah Nettleton Sociology of Health & Illness
Petra Nordqvist & Carol Smart Relative Strangers
Kari Norgaard Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions, And Everyday Life
Helga Nowotny Time: The Modern and Postmodern Experience
Ann Oakley Housewife
Ann Oakley Captive Womb
Ann Oakley The Sociology of Housework
Virginia Olesen And Elvi Whittaker The Silent Dialogue
Nelly Oudshoorn How Users Matter
Vivien M Palmer Field Studies in Sociology
Rhacel Parrenas Servant of Globalization
Hilary Pilkington Loud & Proud: Ethnography of the English Defence League
Anna Pollert Girls Wives and Factory Lives
Jeannette Pols Care at A Distance. On the Closeness of Technology
Monica Prasad The Land of Too Much
Monica Prasad The Politics of Free Markets
Diane Reay Miseducation
Cathy Riessman Narrative Methods for The Human Sciences
Rachel Rinaldo Mobilizing Piety
Dorothy Roberts Fatal Invention
Allison Rooke Queer Methodologies
Gillian Rose Hegel Contra Sociology
Benita Roth The Life & Death of ACTUP LA
Leslie Salzinger Genders In Production
Carole Satyamurti Occupational Survival
Liza Schuster The Use and Abuse of Political Asylum
Susie Scott The Social Life of Nothing: Silence, Invisibility And Emptiness In Tales Of Lost Experience
Saskia Sassen Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in The Global Economy
Saskia Sassen A Sociology of Globalization
Saskia Sassen Territory Authority Rights
Janet Shim Heart Sick
Beverley Skeggs Formations of Class and Gender
Christine Skelton Schooling the Boys
Theda Skocpol Social Revolutions in The Modern World
Carol Smart Personal Life
Dorothy Smith Institutional Ethnography: A Sociology for People
Dorothy Smith The Everyday World as Problematic
Dale Spender Man Made Language
Carol Stack All Our Kins
Oriel Sullivan Changing Gender Relations, Changing Families: Tracing the Pace Of Change Over Time
Kazuko Suzuki Divided Fates
Ann Swidler & Susan Watkins A Fraught Embrace
Verta Taylor Rock-A-By Baby
Catherine Theodosious Emotional Labour in Health Care
Carol Thomas Sociologies of Disability and Illness
Charis Thompson Making Parents
Rachel Thwaites Changing Names and Gendering Identity: Social Organisation in Contemporary Britain
Sally Tomlinson A Sociology of Special and Inclusive Education: Exploring the Manufacture of Inability
Julia Twigg Bathing, the Body and Community Care.
Imogen Tyler Revolting Subjects
Nicole Van Cleve Crook County: Racism and Injustice in America’s Largest Criminal Court
Margaret Voysey A Constant Burden: the Reconstitution of Family Life
Lisa Wade Gender
Sylvia Walby Crisis
Sylvia Walby The Future of Feminism
Valerie Walkerdine Growing Up Girl: Psycho-Social Explorations of Gender and Class
Beatrice Webb My Apprenticeship
Beatrice Webb Methods of Social Study
Ida B. Wells Southern Horrors
Sophie Woodward Material Methods
Johanna Wyn & Rob White Rethinking Youth
Iris Marion Young Justice and The Politics of Difference
Nira Yuval-Davis Gender & Nation
Shoshana Zubhoff In the Age of the Smart Machine

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